Elderberries are packed with antioxidants and vitamins that boost your immune system, decrease inflammation, lessen stress, and help protect your heart.
Ginger is a strong anti-inflammatory, has antioxidant effects and may boost the immune system.
2/3 cups Dried Elderberry
3 1/2 cups Purified/Distilled Water
thumb of Ginger (sliced)
1 cup Maple Syrup (a little less)
-In a medium pot. add all ingredients except maple syrup.
-Bring to a boil then turn it down and simmer for about 45min. to 1 hour.
-Strain and mash all the liquid out of the berries into a bowl or wide mouth glass container.
-Stir in the Maple Syrup and store in the refrigerator for about a couple of months.